Roast Pork with Ginger & Honey Glaze
I made this fabulous roast pork butt joint (whatever that is) for Christmas 2001 in California...

Roast Pork with Ginger & Honey Glaze
main meat
The Meat
Pork Butt Joint (it's the shoulder, apparently)

The Marinade
Kettle One Vodka
White Zinfandel wine
which is pink/rosé, and quite cheap!
(Zinfandel has a nice fresh, fruity flavour that seems to complement the pork quite well.)

A sliced juicy fresh peach
Sliced garlic (4-5 cloves)
Couple of Rosemary sprigs
A Cinnamon stick
Some slices of fresh ginger (about 10)
Dash of olive oil
Ground Pepper

The Glaze
brown sugar
Mix up the marinade ingredients with enough liquor to bathe the pork joint, and marinate for 24 hours or so.

Stud the pork with garlic, put it in a fairly generous oven tray (for the glaze) Roast as usual (uncover high heat, cover low heat)

Reduce the (strained) marinade, with the ginger and garlic left in. Then at around half-volume remove the ginger and garlic (or not, your choice), add brown sugar and generous honey until a thick gloopy glaze consistency.

For the last half an hour of roasting, baste the joint frequently with the glaze until done.

The Pork was magically soft and tender. I blame the Kettle One!